Matthew 6:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Can one lose his or her salvation through sin? This question has brought about different opinions from different people. If salvation cannot be lost through sin why then do we confess our sins? Asking for forgiveness does not mean that we lose our salvation every time we sin but that our fellowship with God is hindered when we fail to repent of our misdeeds.
A son is always a son even when he does something wrong to his father. A father does not disown his son because of his mistakes. However the father-son fellowship is hindered when the son does not ask for forgiveness. That fellowship is only restored when the son comes back to apologize to his father but all the while he is still a son. I have personally experienced this where the fellowship with my father is restored whenever I repent of my actions.
Likewise our fellowship with God is hindered when we sin and do not repent. Our fellowship with God is hindered because God is too holy to be near sin. He is holy and cannot stand sin. We see an example on the cross when Jesus asked the Father why He had forsaken Him. God is holy and cannot be near sin. He can only fellowship with us again if we confess our sins and He forgives us (1 John 1:9). That is when the fellowship will be restored. But throughout this process salvation is not lost because it will take more than committing a sin to lose one's salvation. Sin has been dealt with so it has no power to make one lose his salvation (1 John 2:1-2).
One can only lose his salvation when he stops believing. Salvation is lost when we stop believing that Christ came from God to die for our sins and to resurrect to give us life and is now seated at the right hand of God interceding for us. Our salvation was very expensive to just be lost easily that is why Jesus is still interceding for us before the Father (Romans 8:34).
The love of God for us is bigger and stronger than our sins. What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing in this world can and sin is part of the things of this world (Romans 8:31-39).
So brethren, take joy in knowing that God is not prepared to lose you and you'll always be His beloved. Walk in this truth and your life will never be the same again. Amen!!!