13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. Romans 13:1-2 NIV
Most Christians reject the opportunity to serve in the government of their countries. They feel that politics is a dirty game played by evil men and their judgements are not wrong. We’ve all been at the receiving end of bad presidents and their bad policies. Politics is a dirty and evil game because the children of God who’re to rule in the stead of God have left it for evil men. That is why politics is evil.
From Romans 13:1-2, we see that every authority and rule was established or instituted by God and evil men have corrupted it. This is not the only exception. Marriage was instituted by God but we see how man has corrupted it. The same goes for sex. Sex was instituted by God for pleasure and intimacy and procreation in a certain confinement which is marriage but we see how sex has been perverted by man. Fornication and adultery is rampant in our days. Sex is now used as a proof of love in relationships but that is not what God intended it to be. And these perversions apply to governance too.
God created man to rule over everything so governance and authority was instituted by God. We might not realize it but bad governance affects our outreach to lost souls. I hear unbelievers blaming God for all the hunger and poverty in the world. You’ll hear statements like, ‘If there is God why are people starving and dying, etc.’ They refuse to blame those in authorities whose bad policies and decisions have led to poverty and starvation. They rather blame God so it becomes difficult preaching to them about Christ.
It’s time for the Church and Christians to rise up and take over the authorities established by God. Why should unbelievers rule over the children of God? We need to take every opportunity to serve in the government to show the world how God rules. We need to show the world how God cares for the poor and needy in our societies. Our outreach to lost souls will not be so difficult if the people are under good governance.
We have examples of men of God like Daniel, Joseph, David, etc. who were leaders in the government of their days and we see how these nations were transformed because of them. If we want peace in our nations, we as people of God must take up leadership positions in our nations. If we want to see transformation we need to take up the mantle. We’ve left it for evil men who are exploiting us and interfering with our mission of reaching out to lost souls.
Let’s arise and take our positions as rulers in God’s stead. Let’s restore governance to what God meant it to be. This is not an easy task but if we join together it can be accomplished. With man it seems impossible but with God it’s possible. I admonish anyone reading this to take every opportunity to be in government and allow God to use you to bring peace and prosperity to His people. God bless you. Peace! Shalom!
